

[发布日期:2021-02-05 点击数: ]
职称: 研究员、博士生导师  
出生日期: 1963年8月  
部门: KB电竞官网-(中国)有限公司 
课题组: 基因、染色体和基因组进化研究组  
研究领域: 群体遗传学、植物分子系统学、进化生物学  
1992年在瑞典农业科学大学获博士学位,1999年中国科学院“百人计划”入选者,2004年获国家自然科学基金委杰出青年基金。现任KB电竞官网-(中国)有限公司博士生导师,瑞典Umea大学兼职副教授。 研究领域主要涉及植物群体遗传学、进化生物学、分子生物学和环境微生物学。近年来主要从事针叶树种群体遗传学、杂交物种形成和适应性进化的分子机制、松属植物系统发育关系和基因组结构研究。在Genetics、Evolution、Mol Biol Evol、 Mol Ecol, Am J Bot、FEBS Lett、Evol Ecol, Appl Environ Microbiol 等国际重要刊物上(SCI刊物)发表论文50余篇。




1989.01-1992.12  瑞典农业科学大学,获博士学位。  
1984.09-1987.07  北京林业大学,获硕士学位。  
1980.09-1984.07  北京林业大学,获学士学位。





2007. 2 - 现在 兼瑞典Umea大学生态与环境科学系副教授,从事森林遗传学和生态遗传学研究。 
1999. 11 - 现在 中国科学院“百人计划”入选者,中国科学院植物所研究员,从事松属杂种物种形成机制、基因组及分子进化、群体遗传研究。  
1997. 10 - 1999. 12 瑞典农业科学大学森林遗传与植物生理系,副教授, 博士生导师,从事植物生态遗传、植物病理菌群体遗传及与寄主的共同进化研究。  
1997. 3 - 1999. 3 日本国立森林综合研究所,特别研究员,从事松属分子系化的研究。  
1993. 7 - 1997. 9 瑞典农业科学大学森林遗传与植物生理系,助理教授,从事教学、松科植物体细胞遗传系统、分子进化、群体遗传学的研究。  
1993. 10 - 1994. 1 意大利科学院 (CNR) 农林研究所工作, 参加欧共体项目- 欧洲核桃遗传资源多样性的研究.  
1989. 1 - 1992. 12 瑞典农业科学大学森林遗传与植物生理系,博士生,研究助理,在 Alfred Szmidt教授指导下,从事欧亚大陆松属的进化生物学研究。  
1988. 2 - 1989. 12 瑞典农业科学大学,访问学者,参加Dag Lindgren教授主持的欧洲赤松交配系统的研究项目。  
1987. 9 - 1988. 1 北京林业大学, 林学系, 助教, 参加教学和沈熙环教授主持的油松种子园良种选育国家攻关项目。  





   第11、12届全国政协委员,第13、14、15届致公党中央委员,第2、3届最高人民法院特约监督员。曾担任南开大学、中国科大研究生院、北京师范大学、东北师范大学等兼职教授。现在担任北京植物学会理事长,中国电子显微学会副理事长、中国植物学会常务理事,并兼任《中国科学》编委、《电子显微学报》副主编、以及《BMC Plant Biology》副主编、《Plant Signaling & Behavior》副主编、《Frontier in Plant Science》编委、《Journal of Plant Physiology》编委、《Plant Physiology & Biochemistry》编委、《Trees-Structure & Function》编委、《PLoS One》编委、《Communicative & Integrative Biology》编委、国家自然科学基金委员会植物学科评审组成员、《中国青年科技奖》评审组成员。






相关的50余篇论文发表在Genetics, Evolution, Molecular Ecology, Molecular Biology and Evolution, FEBS Letter, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, American Journal of Botany, Plant Systematics and Evolution, Plant Molecular Biology, heredity, Journal of Heredity, Hereditas, International Journal of Plant Science, Journal of Vegetation Science, Mycological Research, Applied and Environmental Microbiology等二十余种重要国际刊物上。




(1)“真菌病理菌的遗传学及与针叶树的互作 (Genetics of fungal pathogen and conifer interaction)”, 1994 - 1997, 瑞典自然科学基金会 (NFR) 项目, 资助金额约合38万元, 主持人, 已按计划完成。  
(2)“真菌病理菌群体遗传结构的研究 (Population genetic structure of conifer pathogen fungi)”, 1994 - 1995, 瑞典Kempe 基金会项目, 资助金额约合 12 万元, 主持人, 已按计划完成。 
(3)“欧亚松属分子系统进化与分类 (Molecular systematics and phylogenetic relationships of Eurasian Pinus species)”, 1997 - 1999, 日本研究发展合作基金会 (JRDC) 项目, 资助金额约合62万元, 主持人, 已按计划完成。  
(4)“序列特标位点作为地标在欧洲赤松基因组遗传图谱上的应用 (Sequence Tagged sites as standard landmarks for Pinus sylvestris genome mapping)”, 1999, 瑞典Carl-Tryggers Stiftelse基金会项目, 资助金额约合10万元, 主持人, 已按计划完成。   
(5)“森林病理菌Gremmeniella abietina 的群体机制和寄主特异性的研究成果 (Population dynamics and host specificity of a forest pathogen fungus Gremmeniella abietina)”, 2000 - 2002, 瑞典农林基金会 (SJFR) 项目, 资助金额约合150万元, 主持人, 已按计划完成。  
(6)“杂交物种起源进化机制的研究”, 2000 - 2002, 中国科学院“百人计划” 项目, 资助金额200万元, 主持人, 已按计划完成。   
(7)“环境中真菌孢子的分子检测技术的研究 (Development of new methods for diagnosis applications in microorganisms)”, 2001-2002, 瑞典工作环境研究基金会 (RALF) 项目, 资助金额约合50万元, 主持人, 已按计划完成。  
(8)“人类开发经营对泰国两红树林树种遗传资源的影响 (Effect of exploitation and management on the genetic resources of two mangrove species in Thailand)”, 2001-2003, 瑞典国际发展合作基金会 (SIDA) 项目, 资助金额约合120万元, 主持人, 已按计划完成。  
(9)“高山松的基因组构成和进化生物学研究”, 2001-2003, 国家自然科学基金会项目(30070058), 资助金额15万元, 主持人, 已按计划完成。    
(10)“青藏高原极端环境下重要植物类群进化适应机制研究”, 2003 - 2005, 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目(KSCX2-SW-121),资助金额 20万元,专题主持人(项目主持人:刘建全博士), 已按计划完成。 




ADDIN EN.REFLIST Khatab, I.A., Ishiyama, H., inomata, N., Wang, X.-R. and Szmidt, A.E. - 2008. Phylogeography of Eurasian Larix species inferred from nucleotide variation in two nuclear genes.  Genes & Genetic Systems 83:55-66.   
Mao, J.-F., Li, Y. and Wang*, X.-R. - 2008. Empirical assessment of the reproductive fitness components of the hybrid pine Pinus densata on the Tibetan Plateau.  Evolutionay Ecology, DOI 10.1007/s10682-008-9244-6.   
Araki, N.H.T., Khatab, I.A., Hemamali, K.K.G.U., Inomata, N., Wang, X.-R. and Szmidt, A.E. - 2008. Phylogeography of Larix sukaczewii Dyl. and Larix sibirica L. inferred from nucleotide variation of nuclear genes.  Tree Genetics & Genomes, DOI 10.1007/s11295-008-0137-1. 
毛建丰,李悦,刘玉军,刘灏,王晓茹* (Mao, J.-F., Li, Y., Liu, Y.-J., Liu, H. and Wang*, X.-R.)- 2007. 高山松种实性状与生殖适应性 (Cone and seed characteristics of Pinus densata and their adaptive fitness implications) 植物生态学报 J. Plant Ecology 31:291-299. 

Ma, X.-F., Szmidt, A. E. and Wang*, X.-R. - 2006. Genetic structure and evolutionary history of a diploid hybrid pine Pinus densata inferred from the nucleotide variation at seven gene loci.  Molecular Biology and Evolution. 23:807-816. 
Cai, Q., Zhang, D., Liu, Z.-L. and Wang*, X.-R. - 2006. Chromosomal localization of 5S and 18S rDNA in five species of subgenus Strobus and their implication to genome evolution of Pinus.  Annals of Botany. 97: 715-722. 
Zeng, Q.-Y. and Wang*, X.-R. – 2006. Divergence in structure and function of tau class Glutathione transferase from Pinus tabuliformis, P. yunnanensis and P. densata.  Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 34:678-690. 
Zeng, Q.-Y., Westermark, S.-O., Rasmuson-Lestander, Å. and Wang*, X.-R. – 2006. Detection and quantification of Cladosporium in aerosols by real-time PCR. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 8:153-160. 
Zeng, Q.-Y., Lu, H. and Wang* X.-R. – 2005. Molecular characterization of a glutathione transferase from Pinus tabulaeformis (Pinaceae). Biochimie 87:445–455. 
Zeng, Q.-Y. and Wang* X.-R. - 2005. Catalytic properties of glutathione-binding residues in a t class glutathione transferase (PtGSTU1) from Pinus tabulaeformis. FEBS Letters 579: 2657–2662. 
Zeng, Q.-Y., Hansson, P. and Wang*, X.-R. – 2005. Specific and sensitive detection of the conifer pathogen Gremmeniella abietina by nested PCR.  BMC Microbiology 5:65. 
Zeng, Q.-Y., Rasmuson-Lestander, Å. and Wang* X.-R. 2004. Extensive set of mitochondrial LSU rDNA-based oligonucleotide probes for the detection of common airborne fungi.  FEMS Microbiology Letter 237:79-87. 
Zeng, Q.-Y., Westermark, S.-O., Rasmuson-Lestander, Å. and Wang*, X.-R. – 2004. Detection and quantification of Wallemia sebi in aerosols by real-time PCR, conventional PCR and cultivation. Applied Environmental Microbiology. 70:7295-7302. 
Liu, Z.-L., Zhang, D., Hong, D.-Y. and Wang*, X.-R. - 2003. Chromosomal localization of 5S and 18S-5.8S-25S ribosomal DNA sites in five Asian pines using fluoresence in situ hybridization.  Theoretical and Applied Genetics 106: 198-204. 
Liu, Z.-L., Zhang, D., Wang, X.-Q., Ma, X.-F. and Wang*, X.-R. – 2003. Intragenomic and interspecific 5S rDNA sequence variation in five Asian pines (Pinus).  American Journal of Botany 90: 17-24. 
刘占林, 张大明, 王晓茹* (Liu, Z.-L., Zhang, D. and Wang*, X.-R.) – 2003. 裸子植物5S rRNA基因序列变异及二级结构特征研究 (Characterization of 5S rRNA gene sequence and secondary structure in gymnosperms).  遗传学报Acta Genetica Sinica 30: 88-96. (in Chinese). 
Yin, T., Wang, X.-R., B. Andersson and Lerceteau-Köhler, E. - 2003. Nearly complete genetic maps of Pinus sylvestris L. (Scots pine) constructed by AFLP markers in a full-sib family.  Theoretical and Applied Genetics 106:1075-1083. 
Wang*, X.-R., Chhatre, V.E., Nilsson, M.-C., Song, W., Zackrisson, O. and Szmidt, A.E. – 2003. Island population structure of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in northern Sweden.  International J. of Plant Sciences. 164:711-717. 
Wu, Z., Tsumura, Y., Blomquist, G., and Wang* X.-R. – 2003. 18S rDNA variation among common airborne fungi, and development of specific oligonucleotide probes for the detection of fungal isolates.  Applied Environmental Microbiology 69:5389-5397. 
Zeng, Q.-Y., Wang*, X.-R. and Blomquist, G. – 2003. Development of mitochondrial SSU rDNA-based oligonucleotide probes for specific detection of common airborne fungi.  Molecular and Cellular Probes 17:281-288. 
Song, B.-H., Wang, X.-Q., Wang, X.-R., Ding, K.-Y. and Hong, D.-Y. - 2003. Cytoplasmic composition in Pinus densata and population establishment of the diploid hybrid pine.  Molecular Ecology 12:2995-3001. 
Kormutak, A., Vookova, B., Gomory, D., Wang, X.-R. and Szmidt, A. E. - 2003. Intraspecific variation in chloroplast DNA psbAI gene region of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.).  Forest Genetics 10:19-22. 
Wu, Z., Wang*, X.-R., Blomquist, G. - 2002. Evaluation of PCR primers and PCR conditions for specific detection of common airborne fungi.  Journal of Environmental Monitoring 4: 377-382. 
Song, B.-H., Wang, X.-Q., Wang, X.-R., Sun, L.-J., Hong, D.-Y. and Peng, P.-H. - 2002. Maternal lineages of Pinus densata, a diploid hybrid.  Molecular Ecology 11: 1057-1063. 
Szmidt, A. E., Nilsson, M.-C., Briceño, E., Zackrisson, O. and Wang*, X.-R. – 2002. Establishment and genetic structure of Empetrum hermaphroditum Hagerup populations in lapland, northern Sweden.  Journal of Vegetation Science 13:627-634. 
Wu, Z., Blomquist, G., Westermark, S.-O and Wang*, X.-R. – 2002. Application of PCR and probe hybridization techniques in detection of airborne fungal spores in environmental samples. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 4: 673-678. 
Szmidt, A. E., Lu, M-Z. and Wang, X.-R. - 2001.  Effect of RNA editing on the phylogeny reconstruction based on coxI gene.  Euphytica 118: 9-18. 
Wang*, X.-R. and Szmidt, A. E. – 2001.  Molecular markers in population genetics of forest trees.  Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. 16: 199-220. 
Joyner, K.L., Wang, X.-R., Johnston, J. S., Price, H. J., Williams, C. G. – 2001.  DNA content for Asian pines Parallels New World relatives.  Canadian Journal of Botany. 79: 192-196. 
Wang*, X.-R., Szmidt, A. E. and Savolainen, O. – 2001. Genetic composition and diploid hybrid speciation of a high mountain pine, Pinus densata, native to the Tibetan plateau.  Genetics 159: 337-346. 
Wang*, X.-R. and Szmidt, A. E. – 2000.  Population genetic analysis of pathogenic forest fungi.  In: Molecular Biology of Woody Plants, Jain, S.M. and Minocha, S.C. (eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers Vol. 1, 491- 520. 
Szmidt, A. E. and Wang, X.-R. – 2000. Genetic markers in forest genetics and breeding - The tunnel remains dark. In: Forest Genetics and Sustainability, C. Matyas (ed), Vol. 63, 31-48. 
Wang*, X.-R., Szmidt, A. E. and Nguyen, H. N. - 2000.  Phylogenetic position of the endemic flat-needle pine Pinus krempfii (Pinaceae) from Vietnam, based on PCR-RFLP analysis of chloroplast DNA.  Plant Systematics and Evolution  220: 21-36. 
卢孟柱,王晓茹, Szmidt, A. E. (Lu M.-Z, Wang, X.-R and Szmidt, A.E.) - 2000. PCR-SSCP 用于针叶树遗传分析的可行性 (Application of PCR-SSCP in genetic analysis of conifers). 林业科学研究 13: 348-353. 

Wang, X.-R., Tsumura, Y., Yoshimaru, H., Nagasaka, K. and Szmidt, A. E. – 1999.  Phylogenetic relationships of Eurasian pines (Pinus, Pinaceae) based on chloroplast rbcL, matK, rpl20-rps18 spacer and trnV intron sequences.  American Journal of Botany 86: 1742-1753. 
Lu, M.-Z., Szmidt, A. E. and Wang, X.-R. - 1998.  RNA editing in gymnosperms and its impact on the evolution of the mitochondrial coxI gene.  Plant Molecular Biology 37: 225-234. 
Wang*, X.-R. - 1997. Genetic variability in the canker pathogen fungus, Gremmeniella abietina (Lagerb.) Morelet.  Contribution of sexual compared to asexual reproduction.  Mycological Research 101:1195-1201. 
Wang*, X.-R., Ennos, R.A., Szmidt, A.E. and Hansson, P. - 1997. Genetic variability in the canker pathogen fungus, Gremmeniella abietina (Lagerb.) Morelet. 2. Fine scale investigation of population structure.  Canadian Journal of Botany 75:1460-1469. 
Lu, M.-Z., Wang, X.-R. and Szmidt, A. E. - 1997. Molecular properties of RAPDs in Pinus sylvestris (L.) and their implications for genetic analysis.  Forest Genetics 4: 227-234. 
Szmidt, A. E., Wang, X.-R. and Changtragoon, S. - 1996. Contrasting patterns of genetic diversity in two tropical pines: Pinus kesiya (Royle ex Gordon) and P. merkusii (Jungh et De Vriese).  Thoretical and Applied Genetics 92: 436-441. 
Szmidt, A.E., Wang, X.-R. and Lu, M.-Z. - 1996. Empirical assessment of allozyme and RAPD variation in Pinus sylvestris (L.) using haploid tissue analysis. Heredity 76: 412-420. 
Hansson, P., Wang, X.-R., Szmidt, A. E. and Karlman, M. - 1996.  Genetic variation of Gremmeniella abietina attacking Pinus sylvestris and Pinus contorta in northern Sweden revealed by RAPD analysis.  European Journal of Forest Pathology 26: 45-55. 
Wang*, X.-R., Szmidt, A.E. and Lu, M.-Z. - 1996. Genetic evidence for the presence of cytoplasmic DNA in pollen and megagametophytes and maternal inheritance of mitochondrial DNA in Pinus.  Forest Genetics 3: 37-44. 
Parducci, L., Szmidt, A.E., Villani, F., Wang, X.-R. and Cherubini, M. - 1996.  Genetic variation of Abies alba (Mill.) in Italy.  Hereditas 125: 11-18. 
Lu, M.-Z., Szmidt, A. E. and Wang, X.-R. - 1995. Segregation of RAPD markers in haploid and diploid tissues of Pinus sylvestris (L.).  Heredity 74: 582-589. 
Wang, X.-R. and Szmidt, A.E. - 1994.  Hybridization and chloroplast DNA variation in a Pinus species complex from Asia.  Evolution 48: 1020-1031. 
Szmidt, A. E., Wang, X.-R. - 1993. Molecular systematics and patterns of geographic differentiation in geographic varieties of Pinus sylvestris (L.) and P. densiflora (Sieb. et Zucc). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 86: 159-165. 
Wang, X.-R. and Szmidt, A.E. - 1993.  Chloroplast DNA-based phylogeny of Asian Pinus species.  Plant Systematics and Evolution 188: 197-211. 
Kormutak, A., Szmidt, A. E., and Wang, X.-R. - 1993.  Restriction fragment length polymorphisms of chloroplast DNA in some species of FIRS (Abies spp.).  Biologia Plantarum 35: 113-119. 
Dong, J., Wagner, D.B., Yanchuk, A.D., Carlson, M.R., Magnussen, S., Wang, X.-R. and Szmidt, A.E. - 1992. Paternal chloroplast DNA inheritance in Pinus contorta and Pinus banksiana: Independence of parental species or cross direction.  Journal of Heredity 83: 419-422. 
Szmidt, A. E., and Wang, X.-R. - 1992.  DNA markers in forest genetics.  In: Genetic Variation in Forest Tree Populations in Europe, Müller‑Starck, G., and Ziehe, M. (eds), Sauerländer's Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 79‑94. 
Wang*, X.-R., Szmidt, A.E., Sigurgeirsson, A. and Karpinska, B. ‑ 1991. A chloroplast DNA story about Asiatic pines. In: Biochemical markers in the population genetics of forest trees. S. Fineschi, M.E. Malvolti, F. Cannata and H.H. Hattemer (eds). SPB Academic Publishing bv, The Hague, The Netherlands. pp. 209‑216. 
Wang*, X.-R., Shen, X-H. and Szmidt, A.E. ‑ 1991. The choice of allozyme markers for studies in conifer seed orchards: The case of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. In: Biological markers in the population genetics of forest trees. S. Fineschi, M.E. Malvolti, F. Cannata and H.H. Hattemer (eds). SPB Academic Publishing bv, The Hague, The Netherlands. pp. 173‑181. 
Wang, X.-R., Lindgren, D., Szmidt, A.E. and Yazdani, R. ‑ 1991. Pollen migration into a seed orchard of Pinus sylvestris L. and the methods of its estimation using allozyme markers. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 6: 379‑385. 
Wang*, X.-R., Szmidt, A.E. and Lindgren, D. ‑ 1991. Allozyme differentiation among populations of Pinus sylvestris L. from Sweden and China.  Hereditas 114: 219‑226. 
Wang, X.-R., Szmidt, A.E., Lewandowski, A. and Wang, Z.-R. ‑ 1990. Evolutionary analysis of Pinus densata (Masters), a putative Tertiary hybrid. 1. Allozyme variation. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 80: 635‑640. 
Wang, X.-R. and Szmidt, A.E. ‑ 1990. Evolutionary analysis of Pinus densata (Masters), a putative Tertiary hybrid. 2. A study using species‑specific chloroplast DNA markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 80: 641‑647. [1]